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Wellness Exams

A wellness exam is a routine medical examination of a patient who is in general good health. It may also be referred to as a ‘check-up’ or ‘annual physical by your veterinarian staff. This exam may include additional tests such as para-site screening, urinalysis, and/or blood tests. Wellness exams help owners and veterinarians work together to maintain your pet’s health.


Spay & Castration Benefits

*Eliminates Heat Cycles

*Less Desire to Roam

*Reduces or Eliminates: Mammary Tumors; Ovarian/Uterine/Testicular Cancers; Prostate Disease

*Reduces unwanted cat/kitten/dog/puppy population

*Helps pets live longer, healthier lives

*Reduces or Eliminates Spraying & Marking *Decreases aggressive behavior


This simple procedure only takes a few seconds and gives lost pets the best chance of returning home. Microchips are permanent implants with unique numerical pet IDs which last the life of your pet. A microchip is simply injected beneath the surface of your pet's skin between the shoulder blades. Anesthesia is not required. When presented with a unidentified pet, the standard for most clinics and shelters includes scanning for a microchip code which will be linked to the owner’s information in the chip manufacturer database. Pets can lose their collars, losing all their identification in the process. It is important to register the microchip to you or transfer to a new owner if you re-home your pet. Registered microchips give lost pets the best chance of returning home.


Preparing for Surgery Day:

     Wellness Exam

     Pre-Anesthetic Bloodwork

                   Why is it necessary?

                        *Detect hidden illnesses that may put your pet at risk during anesthesia

                        *Reduce risk by adjusting the approach to anesthesia

                        *Peace of mind - When it comes to your pet’s life, pre-surgery testing can be reassuring


If your vet determines your dog or cat can safely undergo anesthesia, you’ll will need to fast him/ her for 12 hours prior to the procedure. If your pet takes any medication, please give or withhold medications as instructed by your vet.


     Surgery Day:

                   -Drop off between 7:45 am - 8:30 am

                   -Fill out authorization form

                   -Schedule pick up time

           Once the paperwork and check-in process is complete, your pet will be escorted to our treatment area and prepared for        


      Post Surgery

               Withhold food and water until 6pm the evening of surgery. Offer small amounts of water and small meals after this time.      

               Anesthesia can make some pets nauseated and therefore, cause vomiting. If your pet is nauseated, take away food for the    

               first night after surgery. Your pet may resume normal meals the following morning.


               Exercise should be restricted for 10 days after routine surgeries. Please do not allow your pet to run or jump as this may    

               causes sutures to open up.


               Do NOT give your pet a bath or allow them to swim for at least 14 days.


               Do not let your pet lick or chew at the surgery site. This may cause the sutures to open up also. If the sutures should open,

               please call us immediately. Check the incision site daily for signs of dis-charge, swelling, and/or redness.


               Please make an appointment and return in 10 - 14 days for SUTURE REMOVAL.


               If your pet is sent home with medications please administer them according to the label.


               A decreased activity or appetite for 1-2 days may be seen. However, if your pet has loss of appe-tite lasting for greater than 2

               days, refusing to drink water for more than 1 days, weakness, depres-sion, vomiting, or diarrhea, please call right away.


                If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the Le Mars Veterinary Clinic at any time at (712) 546-6040. We are

                available for emergency care 24 hours a day, 7 days a week!



4 out of 5 dogs over the age of three years have some degree of periodontal disease


Top Reasons Dental Care is Important!

   1. A pet with healthy teeth equals a pet with better breath!

   2. Dental disease leads to problems with your pet’s organs, including the heart and kidneys.

   3. Retained baby teeth can accelerate dental disease and cause bite abnormalities.

   4. Pets that don’t get dental care can have dental pain and potentially lose teeth.


If you have any questions or concerns, you should always visit or call your veterinarian – they are your best resource to ensure the health and well-being of your pets.


Radiology and ultrasound are valuable diagnostic tools in veterinary medicine. We are pleased to offer pet radiology and ultrasound services at our clinic.


A radiograph (typically called an X-ray) is a type of photograph that can look inside the body and reveal information that may not be discernible from the outside. Veterinary radiography is safe, painless, and noninvasive. The level of radiation exposure needed to perform radiography is very low, and is safe for use on pregnant females and very young pets. Radiography can be used to evaluate the size, shape, and position of almost any organ in the body, including: Heart, Lungs, Abdominal Organs, Bones, and Joints. Many pet diseases alter the size, shape, or position of inter-nal organs, and radiographs are a vital diagnostic tool in the identification of conditions such as: Bladder stones, broken bones, chronic arthritis, and lung disease.


Ultrasound services are a noninvasive, painless way to diagnose and evaluate many common dis-eases and abnormalities in internal organs. The ultrasound is performed by holding a small probe gently against your pet’s skin. The probe sends out and collects ultrasound waves that are inter-preted by a sensor and converted into a moving image. Ultrasound waves can generate excellent images of the abdominal cavity and are ideal for viewing images including: Liver, spleen, gall-bladder, kidneys, tumors, monitoring pregnancy, heart, and bladder stones

Soft Tissue Surgery

Veterinary soft tissue surgery includes the majority of surgical procedures that do not include joints and bones. Areas covered include ear, nose and throat, cardiothoracic, hepatic, gastroin-testinal, urogenital, skin reconstructive and oncological surgeries. Our surgical services are available to the public with or without a referral. We work cooperatively with referring veteri-narians. Most of our surgical procedures are performed with a surgical laser.

   ï‚· Reproductive surgery

   ï‚· Abdominal surgery

   ï‚· Upper airway surgery

   ï‚· Surgical oncology

   ï‚· Wound care and reconstruction

   ï‚· Gastrointestinal Surgery

   ï‚· Tumor Removal

   ï‚· Bladder Surgery

Preventative Health care

The old adage, "an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure" certainly holds true when it comes to animal health. The cost of prevention is often a fraction of the cost of treating a disease or problem once it has become more advanced. Early diagnosis and treatment of developing problems or diseases can increase the likelihood of successful outcomes. Preventive healthcare involves a multi-faceted approach that includes veterinary evaluation of your pet's overall health and risks of disease or other health problems. Based on the findings, your veterinarian will provide you with recommendations for your pet's nutrition, dental care, vaccinations and heartworm/flea/ tick prevention, as well as recommendations specifically tailored to your pet's health status and risk factors.

Allergy Testing



In general, allergy testing poses minimal risks for your pet, and in many cases, the information your veterinarian gains from this testing is very valuable. The most common types of allergies in pets are flea allergy, food allergy, and environmental allergies. In dogs (and, less commonly, cats), this allergic reaction is focused largely in the skin. Animals with allergies become very itchy and the resultant scratching can lead to skin injuries and skin infections.

Very few risks are associated with performing allergy testing. If serum allergy testing is per-formed, drawing blood takes only a few seconds, and your veterinary team will take precautions to ensure that your pet is not injured during this procedure. Once blood is obtained, all further processing is performed at the veterinarian’s office or at a diagnostic laboratory, so there is no risk of harm to your pet.

Parasite Control

Parasites are organisms that feed on or within other animals. Fleas and ticks are the most well-known offenders, but they are only part of the picture. Other common parasites include mites, lice, heartworm and a multitude of intestinal and other parasites. The harm from parasites to a pet’s health can range from minor irritation to serious conditions that, if untreated, can be fatal. Para-sites also pose a threat to human health. Some pet parasites are zoonotic infections, which means they can be transferred from pets to people.

With advances in veterinary medicine, most parasitic infections can be prevented. However, pet owners may not be fully aware of the appropriate measures to protect their pets and, in turn, them-selves and their families.

Cremation Services

Our pet cremation services are available to the public. We are pet owners, too, and will treat your pet as we would our own - with dignity and respect.

Whether it comes unexpectedly, or after the course of a long illness, death of our beloved pet leaves us feeling anguished and confused. We are here to help you in your time of grief and will do everything we can to make it as stress free as possible. If you have not yet lost your pet, planning ahead can be important in helping to reduce the amount of emotional stress from the loss and to alleviate hastily made decisions in the future.

Preventative Care

“An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” We are proud to offer a wide variety of preventative care services and would like to help you establish an appropriate plan for your horse. At minimum, horses should have a whole health evaluation once a year and recommendations can vary based on each individual. Preventative services include:

  • Dentistry

  • Nutritional consultations

  • Fecal egg counts

  • Parasite control (deworming) programs

  • Infectious Disease Control (Vaccinations)

  • Coggins Forms (digital)

  • Certificate of Veterinary Inspection (CVI) / Health Papers (digital)

  • Permanent I.D. Services (freeze branding)

  • Minor surgical procedures (castrations, mass removals)

  • Ophthalmic care

  • ​

Soundness evaluations

Whether you are looking to keep your athlete performing at the top of their game or your pasture horse is not getting around quite like they used to, we are ready to help you. We offer portable X-ray and can come up with a treatment plan tailored to your horse’s needs-including joint injections! Pre-purchase examinations are also offered.



Reproductive services include ultrasound evaluations for pregnancy determination, Estrus cycle tracking and breeding soundness evaluations (ultrasound, culture, cytology and biopsy). Please call the clinic for more information regarding any reproductive needs.


Emergency Services

Emergencies don’t always happen during normal business hours. We are available for emergency services during business hours and beyond. Please call the clinic at 712-546-6040 for further assistance. If calling after hours, follow the prompts to be connected to our answering service.

Equn Services


Cats  •  Cattle   •  Dogs    •  Fowl  •  Goats  •  Horses  •  Poultry  •  Rabbits  •  Sheep  •  Swine​


© 2016 by Le Mars Veterinary Clinic

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